Guardian Webinar About the Evolution of Cartography

The Guardian is hosting an interactive workshop exploring the evolution of Cartography.

[Y]ou will discover how maps, and our relationship to them, have evolved over time. You will learn how the way that a map is designed can influence the way in which it is interpreted, and why this means that even the most authoritative map may not be as objective as we think.

You will also draw on your new understanding of cartography to create your own geographic data, and will touch on how to successfully display geographic data to tell a story, and how geo data visualisation has evolved and influenced modern-day map techniques.

The event is taking place on 26 October, from 5pm to 8pm (BST), and is led by Jess Baker and Paul Naylor, both work at Ordnance Survey. It’s an online event, so you can dial in from anywhere in the world.